Hyperion Bank Blood Drive
Tuesday, August 3 - 1:00PM to 7:00pm
For more info or an appt. please call:
Suzanne Mooney at 215-789-4198
or sign up online at:
Enter Sponsor Code: 14826
blood at an American Red Cross Penn-Jersey Region blood drive will be entered into
that weeks drawing to win a $250 GiftCertificates.com SuperCertificate®
redeemable for $250 worth of gift certificates from hundreds of stores, hotels, airlines,
theaters and more. You will also be entered to win our Grand Prize giveaway of a
$2,500 GiftCertificates.com SuperCertificate®!
For more information or to schedule a blood donation appointment
redcrossblood.org l 1-800-RED CROSS
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